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Environment News
Create a garden perfect for pollinators
From lawn to lettuce
Welsh Water respond to town's drinking supply problem
Town's drinking water supply on notice
Plans given green light
Placemaking plans for county under development
July rainfall
The cost of net zero
Community garden blossoms thanks to volunteers
Foraging tour and Michelin star lunch for Trellech pupils
Green Flag status awarded to Rogiet Countryside Park
Free short-stay parking to be granted following lobbying of council
Waste food cold power lorries under new plan
Highlighting river problems through painting and poetry
Climate the focus at three-day conference
Treowen house and garden open this Sunday, June 30th
Rock icon revisits River Wye
Pay as you go floral offer to celebrate three national events
Bees for Development Celebrates World Bee Day
Tree-mendous £99k Lottery boost for woodland group
Farmer told to pay £4,800 for polluting brook
The Vampire-slaying actor who fought climate crisis as council leader
Lower Wye Ramblers
Poultry track approved
Pub sign approved
Labour candidate welcomes decision to retender milk contract
MS celebrates laverbread