A FORMER macebearer to Monmouth Town Council has died.

He served as macebearer to 47 different mayors of Monmouth for 53 years as well as being known as a local scrap merchant.

John took a great pride in the town and his work and throughout his career, he met and spoke with many of the Royals who paid a visit to the town.

The highlight of his career was when he led out the civic procession at the Prince of Wales’ investiture at Caernarfon Castle in 1969.

When he stepped down from the role in 2018, the mayor at the time, Cllr Terry Christopher said that John was “committed to the town as a macebearer, but was also involved with the town’s football clubs and was made a life president. He was also a stalwart supporter of the town’s carnival.”

One of John’s favourite quips was when Prince Edward came to Monmouth and asked him: ‘You’re the Mayor of Monmouth then?’ and shook hands with him. John replied ‘No sir, she’s over there!”