AT the age of three, cricket-mad Korey Adams already has his eye on an England cap.

He is a regular at St Briavels CC matches watching dad Tom, and has already turned out for an an U11s game, taking two wickets and scoring not out.

He’s also made an appearance in the That’s So Village Twitter video – @ThatsSoVillage – ‘Top Six Favourite Things from the World of Cricket’.

Dad Tom said: “Korey has been playing since I can remember – he absolutely loves it. I’d honestly say he is probably better than me. He’s more of a batter but a very decent bowler too.

“Korey came to every game in 2019, and just after that he started picking up a bat and ball – and started having a go.

“Just four months after he turned one, he was able to do things properly - and that is when we brought him all the kit.

“We managed to find some tiny little pads and gloves online.”

Korey wakes up the household in Lydney at 5.30am most days, desperate for his dad to help him get his kit on so he can practice.

Tom, 33, who works as a builder and has been playing since school, said: “If he gets a chance he’ll have a bowl and swing with a bat.

“I often take him to practice in the nets, but we got him a little bowling machine in the hallway for Christmas.”

Tom added: “Every game he comes to, everyone says what a future star he could be – especially when he’s all padded up..

“Even the opposition comment on how great he is at batting and bowling.”

Tom said: “It’s just amazing because kids around his age don’t even know how to pick up a bat, if he played them he’d be launching the ball way too hard for the toddlers!”

Korey dreams to travel the world with the England cricket team when he grows up.

Tom added: “Hopefully he carries on the game because he will have a bright future if he does.”