On Sunday August 20th, they are offering a walk of 8.5 miles. It’s a steady climb of around 1,200ft up to the Hatterall Hill and the ridge along Offa’s Dyke path for views across England and Wales, returning via Cwmyoy with it’s distinctive crooked church dedicated to St Martin.

Around 1,800ft of total ascent , the first 1200ft in the first 2-3 miles.(Moderate +on the U3A grading system) About 6 stiles. An alternative 3 mile walk. Undulating countryside close to the River Trothy with an optional visit to St Teilo’s historic church. Fairly level with a few gentle slopes. We could have refreshment at the pub after the walk. Sunday Lunch must be booked a few day’s before hand – if required please let the leader know in plenty of time. New members are always welcome to join Monmouth Rambling and Hillwalking Club. There is a small annual membership subscription. A reminder that walkers are responsible for their own safety and take part in walks at their own risk. Suitable footwear and clothing are essential. Please bring a drink and packed lunch. For members safety and enjoyment on walks, the club has a set of coronavirus notes that are available on request. For further information please telephone 01600 228752 or 012600 716255.