Following the success of its inaugural Welsh Food & Farming Week last year, NFU Cymru has once again organised a week-long campaign of activities to promote all that’s great about Welsh food and agriculture to politicians, stakeholders and the wider public.
The union’s Celebration of Welsh Food & Farming Week takes place from Monday 19th June and will see events taking place across Wales to promote positive messaging about Welsh agriculture.
The week kicks off on Monday 19th June when NFU Cymru is encouraging Welsh farmers to take to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to highlight the importance of Welsh farming to Wales and its communities. Farmers are encouraged to post using the hashtags #WelshFarmingWeek and #WythnosFfermioCymreig and tag NFU Cymru in their posts.
Tuesday 20th June will see NFU Cymru take Welsh farming to the heart of Cardiff Bay with a special Celebration of Welsh Food & Farming event at the Senedd. The reception, kindly sponsored by Samuel Kurtz MS, will also see NFU Cymru launch its new policy document on the next generation of farmers with key asks for politicians around future support. Members of NFU Cymru’s Next Generation Group will also attend a primary school in Barry to find out more about the Big Bocs Bwyd initiative.
The following day, Wednesday 21st June, NFU Cymru is hosting a virtual live lesson in both English and Welsh language for school children across the country to learn more about the farming industry and where their food comes from. It is a free event for all schools to attend and you can register by visiting the NFU Cymru website where more resources are available.
Day four of the Celebration of Welsh Food & Farming Week–Thursday 22nd June–will see a school leaders’ event take place at Bwlchwernen Fawr, Lampeter. The purpose of the event will be to discuss how schools can introduce more local, seasonal, and nutritious foods into their kitchens, whilst also exploring how to integrate learning about food through the curriculum and through mealtimes.
A week of promotional activity will draw to a close on Friday 23rd June with Members of the Senedd invited to local on-farm meetings across Wales. These visits will provide a terrific opportunity for members to engage with MSs and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing Welsh agriculture at this juncture.
This week is about spreading positive messaging about our role in feeding the nation healthy, climate friendly food, while enhancing the environment and ensuring prosperous rural communities. We have another exciting week of activities planned across Wales and I hope we can see the industry unite over the course of the week to champion Welsh agriculture.
Congratulations to Brecknock and Radnor YFCs who have held rallies over the last couple of weeks. The talent in both federations is exceptional and the host clubs certainly worked hard to provide superb venues.