We are a voluntary group who work throughout the year to help care for the part of Chippenham Mead called The Two River Meadow, the triangle of land where the Monnow flows into the Wye... the mouth of the Monnow.

Our main purpose is to ensure access and enjoyment by locals, visitors and wildlife, within a management scheme agreed with MCC.

Following last week's letter entitled, 'Chippenham Mead is Public Land', we aim to ensure that everyone knows the area belongs to the town, if for some reason, they had any doubt.

The long list of local involvement includes Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, Overmonnow School, Marks & Spencer volunteers, Waitrose volunteers and Year 10 pupils from Monmouth Comprehensive's Summer Learning Weeks (averaging 30 pupils a year).

Apart from groups, dozens of individuals have helped clear viewpoints, gather hay, pick up litter and fix benches. Many, many locals have given indigenous wildflower plants from their gardens which we insert in the field, the riverbanks and woodland. This has boosted the area's biodiversity dramatically, particularly the bird life.

Come with us on an early morning in May next year when Roger, a local 'bird champion', can identify which, of a possible 32 varieties of bird, are singing their dawn chorus.

Or why not join the community barbecue at 1pm on Sunday, 13th October? Bring your own picnic and we will cook it on locally produced charcoal. Come and work with us on the first Saturday of each month.

There are so many ways you can be involved. Just come and walk your dog or watch the river. The more people who realise this unique field belongs to them the better.

The Two River Meadow Group


Millennium Field Group)