Gilwern u3a is wondering where all the Bridge players have gone since the pandemic closures.

The new season starts on Monday September 5 at 2pm in the Community Centre, Gilwern, so for those people who are active outdoors during the summer months, Bridge on Monday afternoons during the autumn and winter offers the ideal indoor activity.

Players of all levels are welcome, and beginners will soon be feeling more confident in this friendly group.

More details of Gilwern u3a can be found on Saturday, September 3, when they are involved in GILFEST, Gilwern’s big annual festival day, where information on all the special interest groups will be displayed.

On a more general note, over the past months, Gilwern u3a members have travelled from the source of the River Usk to Antarctica in their monthly talks, and the opening talk on Wednesday September 21 in the Community Centre, Common Road, carries the intriguing title of Yuri Gagarin and his Chief Designer.

And if that’s not enough to tempt members and friends, to celebrate 40 years of u3a, cakes with a ‘ruby’ theme will be given out with a cuppa!

And lastly, more information on all the activities taking place in Gilwern u3a can be found on their website:

And talking of websites, there is a vacancy for anyone with knowledge of websites, whether a u3a member or not, to take over the role of webmaster, so if anyone is interested, please contact [email protected]