CAMPAIGNERS for better traffic management on Hereford Road have had encouraging meetings with Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) and the town council.

In April this year, a 750 signature petition urging MCC to address the current traffic flows on Hereford Road was presented to Councillor Richard Roden by residents and campaigners to demonstrate the depth of feeling that changes are needed to improve safety and assist traffic flow on Hereford Road adjacent to and just above Monmouth School for Girls.

Glyn Edmunds, a resident and campaigner for the group, told Monmouth Town Council’s environment committee that the situation has become “intolerable” and said there is not sufficient space for large HGVs to pull into the spaces between parked cars, causing congestion, while parked cars continue to impede traffic.

“Anyone who drives up between 8.30am and 9.30am and between 3pm and 4pm during school time will see the problem of parked traffic impeding traffic going up and down the road”.

At a site meeting this month with MCC highways traffic manager Paul Keeble and the traffic engineer, several blackspots were pointed out and the council have promised to give them sight of their traffic report and recommendations this autumn.

Speaking on behalf of the campaigners, David Hancocks told the Beacon that they hope some extra road markings are introduced so the traffic flow will be gently improved: “We were kindly supported by our Member of Parliament and the Gwent Police Commissioner together with Sally Williams and town councillor Jane Lucas.”

The residents petition was handed in to MCC at July’s Full Council meeting in Usk by Cllr Richard Roden, who commented that “the MCC officers’ assessments of traffic issues will lead to progress being made to improve the safety for all users of Hereford Road.”