Childminders in Monmouth are celebrating National Childminding Week this week (11th – 17th May).

Childminders are passionate, dedicated and highly trained providers making a difference to children’s lives. They are carers, educators and leaders who support children and their families.

Childminders are early years educators, they are inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales and adhere to the national minimum standards, they are qualified and use policies and procedures in the same way as any other early years setting and follow the Welsh Curriculum

They offer the childcare offer for 3 year olds and some childminders are registered to offer the flying start funding.

Children thrive in a childminding setting because they have the comfort of a home from home setting, they gain strong attachments with their childminders as they have a consistent key person which makes them feel safe and secure. If children feel safe they learn to trust, ask questions and share their feelings.

Children learn best when they feel safe, secure and valued.

It’s the most rewarding job

Wyesham childminder Joanne Stephens said she is “passionate about my job, it is very rewarding watching the children learn, grow and develop. We grow strong attachments with the children that can last a lifetime.” 

Donna Browne said “how lucky am I to do a job that I love with children that become family!”

Briget Palmer added: “I love my job, it’s a privilege to be part of the children’s learning journey and know that I have helped them grow.”

While Michelle Alexander said :”I love the attachments that form, not only with the children but the parents too. It is a pleasure to help the children learn and develop. - 

The low adult to child ratio allows for children’s individual needs to be met by playing and working together in small groups but childminders have the option to give their children in their care the perfect balance, by joining together with other childminders to do group activities. This gives the children the opportunity to make new friends , interact, socialise and bond with other children. It is important for children to play with friends in a group as it encourages them to interact, it helps them to learn to share and become resilient.

Childminders have the freedom to take children out and about and encourage learning in real life surroundings

As part of the Welsh curriculum they provide activities which help the children to become ambitious and capable learners, enterprising and creative contributors, ethical and informed citizens as well as healthy and confident individuals

For information about finding a childcare provider / childcare funding visit
