Churches in Monmouth got together to support Christian Aid’s appeal for Ukraine.

Organisers say they had a real wow of a Marmalade Coffee Morning at Ty Price on Saturday raising over £860 when Christian Aid supporters donated the proceeds from their Annual Marmalade and Coffee Morning to the emergency appeal for humanitarian relief for people in Ukraine.

More than 120 jars of homemade marmalade were sold at the event at Tŷ Price Community Hall, together with the sale of books, cards, jewellery, raffle, coffee and cakes.

Reverend Owen Williams thanked those who supported the event and said that it is heart-breaking when we compare our morning here with the horror being faced by many in Ukraine.

There will be another Coffee Morning to raise funds for Ukraine at Tŷ Price Hall this coming Saturday arranged by Robin Davies of Monmouth & District Welsh Society.

It’s from 10am – noon and open to all.

We are also holding weekly Lent lunches across the Ministry Area with proceeds split between local charities and the Ukraine Christian Aid Appeal with £370 being raised so far for Ukraine and £256 for other charities.

This Thursday(March 17) the lunch will be at the Priory 1pm - 2.30pm raising funds for Ukraine and Christians Against Poverty.