On Saturday 02 December the Chepstow Rotary Club will stage its annual Torchlight Carol Service at Tintern Abbey.

This most popular family event is always well supported and last year almost 1,000 people attended. Thanks to posters, in-programme advertising, social media and flyers handed out on the High Street the Club enjoys much local support for this wonderful event that continues to grow.

From 5pm families will gather by the Anchor Inn, Tintern with their flaming torches held on high to light their way, while the smaller members will carry their glowing light-sticks.

Then, at 6pm they will walk slowly in column around the outside of the Abbey while the wonderful singing of the choir of Wyedean schools radiates from within and adds to the ambience on a crisp evening. It is always most satisfying to see the faces of the young, and the not so young, reflected in the flames of the torches as the two columns entered the rear of this beautiful and historic building. Tintern Abbey is certainly an atmospheric location by day. But by night, in floodlight, with many hundreds of flaming torches burning brightly and with the sound of carols sung by the choir, it becomes a positively magical place. Once all were within the Abbey grounds the congregation will sing together the most popular carols lead by the choir. The carols will be interspersed with seasonal Bible readings while prayers will be led by the Reverend Mike Kippax.

This Torchlight Carol Service is a very special local event that will launch the Chepstow area Christmas Season. Every member of the family will remember Tintern for a long time to come. And all of the profits will go towards Rotary charities. Tickets are available from both Miles Morgan Travel, Chepstow and The Anchor Inn, Tintern.

Last year this event raised almost £3,000 for Rotary charities. But the Club also runs programmes for global polio eradication, many youth competitions in our local schools such as Young Chef, Young Citizen, Young Photographer, Young Writer, Youth Speaks & Young Musician competitions and sponsor a Life Education bus to encourage young learning. Many charitable donations are made to local organisations and individuals who seek our support. Rotary IS the community. Find us on Facebook or on line at Chepstow Rotary