A TOWN pub and club crib league has taken the difficult decision to disband after decades of competition. Monmouth Crib League officially came to an end on 24th April 2023. 

At an EGM held at The Club, it was proposed by Secretary Phil Ault, and seconded by Treasurer Robin Wintour ‘’that the Monmouth Crib league be disbanded with immediate effect, given the apparent lack of enthusiasm to continue’’. 

It was also decided to donate the funds to the Bridges Centre, where the money (over £500) is likely to serve the local community best.

Even before the pandemic, it had become increasingly difficult to maintain enough teams to make the league viable, and attracting new players was becoming an insurmountable obstacle.

However, they live in hope that younger generations may eventually discover the fun of the game and find the impetus to resurrect some form of league.

Phil Ault, secretary for the group said “Thanks to all who have played for the various teams over the years, and to the establishments who have supported us. The camaraderie and banter will be missed.”