STUDENTS from Monmouth, Usk and Abergavenny Tae Kwon-Do Club have again been winning medals – this time in one of the top martial arts competition in Wales.

Mia Hall (Hefina Rendle)
Archie Whittall, aged 10, Mia Hall, 12, Niall Farr, 17, and mum and daughter Dannie and Jade Alexander, aged 8, won silver and bronze medals for individual sparring and team sparring at the TAGB’s Welsh Championships in Cardiff.

Archie Whittall with his medal (Archie Whittall with his medal)
Monmouth, Usk and Abergavenny Tae Kwon-Do is run by World Master Anthony Farr, former World Champion in destruction.

Niall Farr with his medal (Hefina Rendle)
For more details contact him on 07966 222647.