Monmouth Town Council in approving the proposal to resite/rebuild the toilets in 2022-23 and beyond - I trust town coucillors will take the opportunity to make enquiries beyond Monmouthshire before committing to any potentially outdated design.

I can understand the wish to attract more tourism and fully appreciate that this should be near a coach park/drop-off point in Blestium Street.

It is unquestionable that the primary needs of tourists and town folk should be met.

What perhaps should be considered is whether this needs a change of thinking on the type of facility provided.

I am aware that other authorities have attempted to cater for toilet needs in other ways and these seem to be effective.

Hereford and Chipping Norton are two towns which I have particularly noted.

In each of those cases the ‘footprint’ of the new building is much smaller and this leaves scope for possibly providing a Tourist Office.

Monmouthshire has in the past invested, I also suggested that commercially it might be a good move to build a second storey.

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