In the Beacon 2.2.22, David Davies MP asserts that there is no suggestion that Johnson lied or misled the country or Parliament in any way.

I suggest he revisits Hansard.

The PM has said in the House of Commons on several occasions that no parties were held and no rules were broken, and that covid guidelines were followed.

This is simply untrue.

Everyone can see it.

David Davies’ blind loyalty and defence of the indefensible are unsupportable morally, and illogical when compared to known facts.

Johnson throws everyone under a bus eventually, even the most loyal lackeys.

Our MP is choosing to believe voters in Monmouth will not notice the absurdity of his position, nor that he has chosen his career over the interests of Monmouth constituents and the country. I wouldn’t bet on that.

Alison Denton, Abergavenny