Can you help with my research?

The following is a letter sent to Monmouth Field and History Society website, can any of our readers help?

I am looking for more information about Sergeant Wyndham Henry Davies from Raglan.

W.H. Davies was born in Raglan in 1921. He was the son of George Henry and Ada Davies.

He was a bomb aimer in the Short Stirling BF572.

In the night of the 23th of june 1943 the Stirling took off from RAF base Downham Market in Norfolk.

After their bombraid on Mühlheim, Germany they went home and were shot down over the Northsea by a German nightfighter. The Stirling crashed into the Northsea killing 6 of the 7 crewmembers.

The body of the pilot Jimmy Smith washed upon the shore of Castricum, The Netherlands. He was buried on the cemetery of Castricum.

Davies washed upon the shore of Zandvoort and is now buried on Bergen op Zoom cemetery, The Netherlands.

I am writing a book about my hometown Castricum in WW2. The book will be about the 60 airmen that washed upon the shore of Castricum during 5 years of war. I want to honour Davies and his crew in my book, they gave their young lives for our freedom.

I do hope that there are still relatives of Davies living in the Raglan area. And maybe there is a picture of him.

Hopefully you are able to help me a little bit further with my investigation.

John Heideman

Bovenweg 8

1834CE St Pancras

The Netherlands

Tel: 0031610907897