Break the silence, it’s time to talk!

Every year since 2013 I have spent Time to Talk day (this year it was on February 2nd) volunteering for Time to Change Wales where I have visited an organisation to tell my story of burnout and the effect it had on my life.

This year as indeed the last three years, the message again seems more prevalent than ever.

It has become evident that many who have never suffered with their mental health are now struggling to understand why they feel the way they do.

My overall message to everyone is ‘communication is the best medication’ and I truly to believe it is.

I am open about my mental health journey in the hope that will help others to open up and talk if they are struggling, this on so many occasions had the desired effect.

I have spoken to small audiences and large, from schools to care homes, from small business events to large corporate one and the feedback has been immense.

I have had managers approach me and thank me for my honesty as it helped staff members reach out for support.

I have had staff members who have told me ‘because of you I went to the doctors and got help.

I have had people tell me their stories who have never before shared it with anybody and I have been party to school children listening intently and sharing stories about their families.

All these experiences have left me feeling fulfilled and, in a way, happy that I have, by sharing my story, given these people inadvertently permission to share theirs.

In 2009 when burnout hit me, I thought life was never going to be the same again.

I was never going to feel joy and positivity seemed like it was certainly far out of reach.

It was at that time that I realised more and more that if I talked about what was going on for me whether this be to my doctor, counsellor, family or friends, the lesser the shadows took hold.

Today I live a simple and blessed life, I know it can be the same for others.

It is for this reason that I always do three things.

One, speak up if I feel any anxiety, two, be there for others who need a listening ear just as way back in the day others were there for me and three, share my story whenever and wherever I can.

I do this to ensure that everyone knows ‘communication is the best medication’ and that every day is indeed a one on which to break the silence and take the ‘Time to Talk’

So, as this year’s Time to Talk Day falls in National Tell your Story week why not take the opportunity to share yours with the knowledge that it will help others.

© Beverley Jones

Author Made it Thru the Rain