As a Monmouth resident, working in the Forest of Dean, I'm more than familiar with the chaos at the end of Hadnock Rd at the beginning and end of the school day.

This week it has reached a new level as a manhole has given way opposite TopStak, resulting in the need for traffic lights.

Would it have been a massive leap of imagination to extend the cordoned off area to include the recurring subsidence of the road at the bollard outside Lidl?

Then both could have some semblance of a permanent solution!

The councils steadfast persistence with cold tarmac fixes on that and the old bridge beggar belief.

It's a definition of insanity to persist with the same actions but expect a different outcome!

The cold tarmac gets pushed out by the insanely heavy lorries and has to be replaced, again and again.

Perhaps, rather than admire the traffic maelstrom at Agincourt Square, resulting from the 'improvements' carried out at ridiculous expense.

The councillors ought to take a trip over the bridge and then up the A4136 to Staunton and consider how long the edge of the carriageway can last without some expenditure.

Or will it take the road giving way completely before they're galvanised into action, 'a stitch in time...'?

Graham Dunn, Monmouth