On a very wet July evening, Bishopswood WI met for their annual Garden Party meeting, but nothing dampened the spirits of the members and visitors. The birthday list for July included Mrs Slater who was celebrating her 80th, Mrs Joseph who was 88 years young and Mrs Claxton a mere 99! The president reported that the drama group was up and running but still needed more members. Mrs Jarvis was thanked for the use of her beautiful garden to host the Acorns Hospice tea party.This was well attended and over £200 was raised. The WI had a successful evening at the Group Quiz night coming second and only half a point behind the winners. The members talked about starting a walking group for 'gentle' walks around Ross, Walford and Bishopswood. It was then time to brave the rain outside for what was to have been the highlight of the Garden Party. A bench which was purchased and placed outside the village hall commemorating the 50 year's continuous membership of Mrs Joan Joseph, was unveiled in from of the Ross Gazette photographer. Slightly damp everyone gathered back in the hall for a glass of Pimms and an excellent selection of refreshments. They then entertained by the drama group's presentation of 'Up the Garden Path' which was very amusing. They rounded off the evening with a beetle drive although some of them did have a problem adding up their scores.