Monmouth Town Council has set aside £25,000 for 2023/24 to fund Community Projects in Monmouth.

Applications will be considered from organisations for projects which benefit people in Monmouth. This round of grants will consider applications for 100 percent of the project costs if it can be shown that Coronavirus has impacted the organisations ability to fundraise to such an extent that finding 25 percent of the costs would be extremely difficult.

This will be determined at the discretion of the Monmouth Town Council People and Places Committee. Grants are awarded on a year by year basis and should not be relied on for further ongoing support. Applications are welcome from groups and organisations across the town.

The following highlights what types of applications will or will not be funded: Grant applications will only be considered for projects and activities that will be undertaken in one of the five wards of Monmouth. Grants may be given to fund core costs of community groups, direct delivery of projects/activities and revenue or capital projects (excluding structural purchases i.e. building or building works). The programme will not fund structural purchases, i.e. buildings or building works. No ongoing commitment should be given to the funding of salary costs or the project. This is a one off payment.

The Council’s application form must be completed and submitted by noon on Monday 20th March 2023 for funding in the financial year 2023/24, with the supporting documents listed in the application form.

The application should identify and cost the project or equipment. 25 per cent of the cost will have to be raised by the applicant through local fundraising or from balances, unless it can be shown that the organisations funds have been severely impacted by coronavirus. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that a grant would enable them to contribute towards the People and Places Committee’s aims and objectives.

For a full list of what qualifies and what does not and how to apply, refer to their Community Grants Policy or contact [email protected].