St Mary’s Street at Whitecross Street will be closing on April 10 until late May.

The closure is necessary for Dwr Cymru Welsh Water works to replace the water main. Reasonable access will be maintained for properties fronting the affected lengths of road during the period of the closure along with pedestrian access.

The effect of the order will be to temporarily close St Mary’s Street, from its junction with Almshouse Street for its entirety and temporarily suspend the parking bays on St Mary’s Street.

Parking bays will be suspended on St Mary’s Street between Tudor House – Property no.29 St Mary’s Street, Monmouth and Property no.30 – Property no.40 St Mary’s Street, Monmouth.

The one-way system will be suspended on Whitecross Street for its entirety to allow for a temporary two-way system to be in place. Traffic Management operatives will be on site to assist Traffic with Access/Egress.