On Saturday, we celebrated 500 years of the Chepstow Charter – Chepstow was brimming with people! Hats off to the Town Council and all volunteers for organising such a fabulous event. I loved meeting so many of the town’s community groups such as the Fridge, Friends of the Dell Park and the Archaeology Society to name but a few.  

Chepstow Library hosted an informative Dementia Awareness Event this week, which was buzzing. I learnt about diagnosis and how charities like Bridges in Monmouth support people with dementia. If you need help, do reach out to alzheimers.org.uk

It was great to see lots of volunteers helping us paint the undercoat on the subway in Monmouth on Sunday in preparation for an artist to paint it with an ‘Under the Wye’ theme. There has been a workshop at Monmouth Comprehensive to gather students’ ideas for the design, and all will be revealed in the coming weeks! 

For Mental Health Awareness Week, I met up with the team at Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service. It was inspiring to hear about their excellent work helping people struggling with drug and alcohol use.

This week has once again shown me that we have the kindest, most generous residents in Monmouthshire who are always willing to help out and put the community first. 

Alzheimer's SocietyWe are the UK’s leading dementia charity, we tackle all aspects of dementia by giving help and hope to people living with dementia today and in the future.alzheimers.org.uk who do such fantastic work.