Residents in Monmouth, and in particular Wyesham, are dismayed at the lack of consultation to close for close weeks the Wye Bridge .

It follows the confirmation by Monmouthshire County Council that the the Wye Bridge will close for five weeks from October 16 for repairs to the surface and structure.

Residents on both sides of the bridge have come together in desperation. A petition has been started asking for their questions to answered and their views taken into consideration.

Liz Hacket Pain, a resident from Wyesham was at Monmouth Show talking to people about the impact that the bridge closure will have on day to day life. Liz explained :- “Peoples concerns are how to all aspects of social care will work without a bridge. One resident did not know how she was going to get repeat prescriptions for her elderly mother. People mentioned hospital appointments, child care, district nurse, children getting to school. People were worried about the birth, marriage and funeral side of life. With many mums who due date falls in the five-week period very worried about getting to the hospital to give birth”.

Small businesses can a great concern. One window cleaner found it ridiculous to be expected to park one side of the river then walk up the hill to Wyesham. He said: “Do you expect me to carry my ladder across the bridge each morning”

The idea is that the group, that has been formed on both sides of the river, is to go to the county council and lodge the petition asking for residents fears to be quelled.