Author. P R Ellis will be talking about writing and reading from An Extraordinary Tale at Monmouth Library, 11am Saturday 22nd July, introducing his new books, An Extraordinary Tale and Prompted Visions.

The 10th novel by Monmouth writer, ‘An Extraordinary Tale’ is a Gnome’s Odyssey is a madcap fantasy adventure featuring a gnome and companions including an elf, a fairy and a skeleton. They chase a sorceress across worlds, times and realities before tackling the biggest threat to their home. The novel, which is for adult and teenage readers, will be published by Elsewhen Press in June as an e-book with the paperback edition available in July.

‘Prompted Visions’ is an anthology A collection of 42 Science Fiction and Fiction short stories prompted by themes chosen by the writing groups Peter has belonged to. Available as an e-book on Kindle and as a paperback from Amazon.

P R Ellis grew up in Cardiff, taught chemistry for 35 years and wrote educational materials for various publishers. He identifies as non-binary and lives with Alison in Monmouth having moved from Leominster in 2018.