Members of Tŷ Price Community Hall, Overmonnow recently met with John Cranston, master of Loyal Monmouth Lodge, and John Williams, Lodge Almoner, representing Monmouth Masonic Lodge. They were at Tŷ Price Hall to give a donation of £ 500 to help support the community activities that take place on a daily basis in Tŷ Price. The donation comes from the Monmouthshire Masonic Trust Fund set up to assist the vulnerable and those in need within the local area. Activities in the hall include ‘Meet ‘n’ Eat’ lunchtimes on a Monday and Friday, Coffee for All, Reachout, Tommy Tiddlers, Tuesday Club with Intergenerational sessions with Overmonnow School, and many other activities. More information is available from Tŷ Price, new volunteers and helpers are always welcome.

(David Price)
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