Author David Kenny from Monmouthshire has released his latest book entitled Travelling Trifles.

David is a graduate of the University of Bristol where he gained a degree in politics and sociology.

He retired from a career in the NHS nearly 10 years ago and moved to Tredunnock with his wife Rosamund.

His first book was a reflection of his home village, Time was in Tredunnock, his second was a history of Newport Operatic Society of which he was a member for over 25 years.

David says: ‘‘I had been preparing the operatic book for at least 20 years but having been diagnosed with an acute form of leukaemia three years ago I decided to “speed it up”. It was published last year.

‘‘Now happily in remission I embarked on my first travel book Travelling Trifles which has very recently been published.

‘‘It’s a light hearted and very personal compendium of travel over nearly 70 years – initially close to home but later with broader horizons.

‘‘It seeks to capture the awe and wonder of travel for a young boy in the 1950s and goes on the comment on a changing world, particularly in communist Eastern Europe.

‘‘It reflects on how easier and cheaper travel has made experiencing exotic locations a practical possibility for the many, not just the few.

‘‘A review by the Book Depository, the on-line book seller calls it “a lovely book of anecdotes and memories.”

Travelling Trifles is a book of 81 pages in full colour which is available from Amazon at a cost of £6.99.