As Foster Wales Monmouthshire gears up to celebrate Foster Care Fortnight, the team is looking for residents who could make a difference to a child's life. 

Foster Care Fortnight takes place May, 13-26 and is the Fostering Network's annual campaign to raise awareness of the need for foster carers, show how fostering transforms lives and raise the profile of fostering.

The team hope to recruit more than 30 new foster families by 2027 to provide welcoming homes for local children. 

The Foster Wales Monmouthshire team will be out and about in the community, spreading the word about how residents can make a difference to children or young people's lives. 

Monmouthshire County Councillor Ian Chandler, said: "Our foster carers in Monmouthshire and across the country are making a difference to our children's and young people's lives. Our appreciation for what they offer can't be said enough. They provide not only a home but also care and guidance.  

"We are now looking for more people to help the Foster Wales Monmouthshire team allow local children and young people to stay in our community. If you believe you can help, please get in touch today. The team will always be with you to provide support and guidance."

If you want to find out more, you can give us a call, contact us to arrange a home visit or pop into a drop-in session at one of the following locations:

Monday 13th May, 10am - 12pm, Usk Hub/Library

Tuesday 14th May, 10am - 12pm, Gilwern Roots Café

Tuesday 14th May, 2pm - 4pm, Abergavenny Market

Wednesday 15th May, 3pm - 5pm, Monmouth Leisure Centre

Wednesday 15th May, 10am - 2pm, Monmouth Hub/Library

Thursday 16th May, 10am - 2pm, Chepstow Hub/Library

Thursday 16th May, 4pm - 6pm, Chepstow Leisure Centre

Friday 17th May, 10am - 2pm, Caldicot Hub/Library

On the 23rd May, the Council will also be hosting an appreciation event to thank foster carers. The event will be an opportunity for Monmouthshire foster carers to come together and be thanked for the amazing work they do in providing loving and nurturing homes for children in care.