The Blake Theatre, Monmouth is on sale for a new season of shows beamed live from London for 2024 and 2025 and people are booking months in advance.

The season of shows, previously known as Royal Opera House shows, have been rebranded this year as Royal Ballet & Opera (RB&O), and will be beamed live from London bringing high quality shows to our doorstep here in Monmouth without the need or costs to travel to London.

Steven McRae as the Mad Hatter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
(© ROH Johan Persson)

The season will feature show such as a wonderful ballet where dancers tumble down the rabbit hole in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, meeting all the curious characters from the classic tale. Comic opera The Marriage of Figaro kicks off the RB&O season with audiences invited to join the Almaviva household for an uproarious day of revelation and scandal!

Cinderella and The Nutcracker will be beamed to the big screen in December as the perfect pre-Christmas family treat.

All shows can be booked online at or via the Box Office on 01600 719401.

The Blake Theatre is at both the heart of the town and community of Monmouth. They play host to live drama, music, dance as well as renowned speakers and screen live broadcasts from the National Theatre and The Royal Opera House all on the biggest screen in Monmouth.