MONMOUTH Comprehensive Sixth Form students studying German visited the Oberschule Celle last week, to take part in an exciting joint project supported by the United Kingdom-German Connection.

The project was established to support a link between the schools and also for students to develop an understanding about their lives as teenagers in Wales and Germany.

All the students were impressed by the warm welcome they received, the architecture and the excellent food in Celle.

Particularly impressed by the timber framed houses was 17-year-old Matthew. He said: “The buildings are lovely. In Wales the buildings are quite modern.”

While the castle and local food, specifically the schnitzel and bratwurst were what impressed 17-year-old Frankie, and for 16-year-old Jess it was the friendly people that highlighted her trip.

The students from Celle also found the whole visit a positive experience, Rabiye Körmü said: “The visit has been very useful because we can speak in English and the Welsh students can speak in German too, to help us with our exams.”

In addition to a visit to the castle and a day trip to Berlin, students also went to the theatre in Celle Castle to see a performance of Dürrenmatt’s ‘Die Physiker’.

Next year many of the students are studying this play as part of their A level exam and found seeing the play useful.

On Tuesday, the students also visited the Helhlentor Primary School.

Teacher Miss Jill Snook said: “Our Sixth Form students read ‘The Gruffalo’ in English and German and the studends helped our children in the lessons.

“It is really important for students to see other perspectives and develop understanding of other countries, we look forward to our next project.”

Miss Snook organised this school partnership and the project ‘Our future in Europe’ together with Frau Susi Schult from the Oberschule.

Frau Schult said: “Against the backdrop of Brexit, we find this project extremely exciting and important.”

The project is offered as a number of possible projects to promote links and supported financially by the United Kingdom-German Connection.

Students from both schools will attend a seminar in Berlin at the end of March to discuss more views on Europe, funded by the United Kingdom-German Connection.