I am new to Monmouth and would like to tell you of a 'feel good experience' recently whilst walking with my labrador, from the rowing club towards St Peter's Church.

I came across two men who were staying with a group in a nearby teepee. They offered me a cup of tea, but I declined and went on my way. Upon my return some while later, I saw approximately eight men and one woman 'round the camp fire' who all called out to me to come and have a cuppa. This time it was a very welcome break from my long walk, and I joined them.

After trying to put the world to rights, it transpired they were from a Salvation Army Men's Hostel in Macclesfield with Julie their mentor/organiser/fundraiser. They had canoed down part of the Wye and hoped to then travel by mini bus to Symonds Yat, travelling back home to Macclesfield that day. This trip was only possible from funds raised by Julie and others and was something of a one off, so a real treat.

I took my leave but not before every chap present stood up, shook my hand and thanked me for stopping to chat. Julie was also a delight to speak with and I realised just how hard won this trip was for them all.

What a delightful polite group of people they all were, and who knows when we may be down on our luck and need someone to help us.

Barbara Johns
