RAGLN Baptist Church Community Day on May 11 took on a new dimension with the addition of a Community Hero awards ceremony. 

Pastor Carol Soble explained that in addition to the usual attractions on Community Day, “we really wanted to celebrate those who work hard for the wellbeing of the local community”

“It ranges from those who provide outstanding support for neighbours, those who are the backbone of local organisations and those who are always the first to volunteer, or make an outstanding contribution to the community in other ways,” she explained.

In all seven awards were made from the nominations received, ranging from work with children, fundraising for Raglan in Bloom, managing the local facebook page, Raglan Afternoon Teas, outstanding community spirit and good leadership. 

The awards were certainly a surprise for the recipients as the Rev Carol Soble herself was awarded one by councillor Penny Jones.

On the day five people received awards: Sylvia Price, Hazel Cave, Joan Barrington, Jenny Swattridge, Carol Soble and Councillor Penny Jones

In addition, awards were made to Andrew Johnson and Jo Johnson who were unable to receive them on the day.

The Community Awards were just one part of a day that was full from beginning to end.The free bouncy castle and children's crafts were constantly busy, the BBQ and Community Café enjoyed brisk trade and the plant share table also attracted £90 in donations for Raglan in Bloom. 

The ever popular Raglan Chimes performed, and top of the bill, magician, Mark Harrington provided strolling magic and balloon modelling throughout the event. Mark’s stunning magic show, with a finale of an escape from a straight jacket with a faith message was an inspiring conclusion to the day.

Church Leader Melanie Millington summed up the day saying “ It was amazing to see so many people coming together and all those children at the magic show – Top Day all round”.

We are already looking forward to next year.

Revd Carol Soble thanked Raglan Festival for lending extra gazebos and tables this year. “and a kind donation to fund vouchers for our Community Heroes,” she added.