Monmouth Floral Society
The Society was pleased to welcome Sue Blandford, a National Demonstrator, from Usk with her theme “On A Summer’s Day”. Sue has competed in Canada and Japan and is Chairman of Connect which brings together, Judges, Demonstrators and Teachers of floral design.
1. “On A Hot Summer’s Day”
Based on a tall basketwork umbrella stand, a dish with a half block of oasis, was covered around the base with Sweet Williams in various shades of pink. The very strong vertical line was achieved with two dried stems of Eucalypt bark against which were carefully arranged sweeping curved shapes of very dark pink roses and strong orange and yellow roses. Shorter stems of delphinium were added for contrast. Water tubes tied to the front of the stand in a curve had shorter stems of roses inserted to shorten the vertical effect.
2. “A Touch of Summer”
A large hoop bound with green garden twine formed the base of this design. Long stems of Japanese Wine Berry (rubrus tricolour) were draped and wound around hoop to create a design with plenty of space within it. A small dish placed at the top of the hoop and another at the base were then filled with fabulous scented double pink peonies. Water tubes attached to other parts of the hoop also contained a peony stem each.
3. “The Heat of Summer”
An elongated stand, reminiscent of a la crosse stick, with all the edges covered in burgundy organza. Onto the edges were placed water tubes each with a whole stem of pink oriental lily. Atop the placement was a neat bunch of bear grass.
4. “Ladies Day”
A metal “fire brazier” was used as the base for this, more traditional design. A square dish with half a block of oasis was secured and onto which were inserted tall phormium blades, palm leaves and sprays of arching green foliage together with cotoneaster. Dark pink roses, pink and white roses and pink oriental lilies completed the design.
5. “An End of Summer’s Day”
A very tall slice of beautifully shaped wood with hollow spaces within formed the background of the final design. At the base was a dish filled with palms, hostas and 20 Baltazar spider chrysanth blooms of flat, narrow, pale urple petals and lime green on the reverse. Dark pink germini added a very bold contrast and depth of colour and to complete the design a smaller matching arrangement was placed at the top of the wooden backpiece.
The Chairman, Tineke Deuss, thanked Sue for her very interesting afternoon, after which all the arrangements were raffled off and everyone retired for excellent afternoon tea, coffee and cakes.
The next open meeting of Monmouth Floral Society will be held at Bridges on Wednesday, 10th July when the National Demonstrator will be Margaret Rumens with “Anything Goes”. All members and visitors welcome.
Wyesham Hive engagement day
Come along to Wyesham Green on the 29th of June for an opportunity to learn more about the plans to develop a Community Caffi and in Wyesham.
Meet some of the organisations and join the conversation. They are on a mission to address the lack of facilities in Wyesham and want to hear what you think is needed.
It's their plan to build a modern environmentally friendly building on the site of the Old Girls Brigade hut.
They want to hear your views so come and see them on the Green between 10am and noon.
Free tea and coffee and there is a free drumming workshop from 11 am for up to 30 people from Upbeat Music.
Monmouth Bridge Club
Monday June 17 1 Sue Stockwell and Sidney Wan 2 David Boys and Neil Sansom 3 Tony Harris and Pauline Sanders.
Wednesday June 19 No fear bridge North/South 1 Mike and Lorraine Taylor 2 Sally Leatham and Gloria Sommer 3 David Boys and Sheila Nechvatal.
East/West 1 Alison Turton and Gayle Norman 2 Sue Stockwell and Maggi Little 3 Lee Blanning and Roger Millett.
Thursday June 20 1 Neil Smith and Gail Jones 2 Terry Hill and Richard Miles 3 Richard Brierly and Jon Dullforce.
Chepstow Park Wood walk
The Lower Wye Ramblers invite you to join them on Sunday 30 June for a 3.5-mile gentle stroll along tracks and woodland paths. The walk starts at 10 am from Chepstow Wood car park (on the unclassified road between St Arvans and Devauden; Grid reference: ST 50079 98465; Nearest postcode: NP16 6HL; what3words: chatting.madness.etchings).
Please bring a drink and snack with you and wear suitable clothing and footwear for the walk. For further information and contact details for the walk leader, go the group’s website (; it is always advisable to look on the website on the morning of a walk to check for any last-minute changes [e.g. cancellation due to weather, etc.]).
Agincourt WI
Gail Raynor, Vice President welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our speaker, Toity Deave, from SARA – Severn Area Rescue Association, who have been saving Lives on and around the Severn for over 50 years. SARA is a volunteer lifeboat and inland search and rescue charity with 7 lifeboat and rescue stations along the length of the River Severn. Each year SARA is called out over 100 times.
They receive no funding and rely on support from the public. They wear the same clothing as the R.N.L.I. which costs £1,200 per member.
They have 5 inshore lifeboats and are called by HM Coastguard to incidents in and around the Severn estuary including the tidal lengths of the rivers Wye and Usk. SARA has flood response teams ready to assist with flooding emergencies.
They work in conjunction with the police and are frequently called out to search for missing persons. Their work involves land search, rope rescue, flood support and casualty care and can administer advanced medical treatment. A new boat can cost in the region of £250,000. Dogs are now being trained to be part of the teams.
All members are volunteers working very long hours often in extremely unpleasant conditions. There are facilities at the boat stations for hot showers, change of clothing and refreshments.
This was an extremely interesting talk and Gail thanked Toity for her time in coming along to tell us about their work.
On Saturday 8th June we held our main fund raising event with the Monmouth Male Voice Choir. This was a great success and an evening to remember. We are very grateful to the Choir for being with us and to Bridges for all their help. Thanks go to the committee for all the hard work and to all who supported us. Everyone enjoyed the wonderful songs, and some brought a tear to the eye.
Our next meeting is Monday 15th July, 7 pm at The Priory when we will be having a talk entitled “Gintastic” - A history of gin and gin tasting. Get your seats early could be a full house!
Treowen house and garden open this Sunday

The Gardens of Grade 1 listed Treowen, Wonastow, near Monmouth will be open from 2-6pm on Sunday, June 30th for NGS.
Tickets for the garden visit cost £6 (children free). Tours of the house and homemade teas, both in aid of St.Wonnow’s church, Wonastow will be available at an extra cost. Book in advance via the link below or pay on the day.
For directions to Treowen click on the “How to find us” tab on Treowen’s website
Parking (clearly signed) is opposite the entrance to the house, half a mile down the drive.