After having run some successful businesses for a number of years last year, Jonathan Fews decided to down size operations and move to Chepstow.  

It was here that he set up “Jon the Dig”. wanting to have more of a smaller community-based landscaping and garden solutions operation.

He said: “I was shocked to see how many kids are not in mainstream education.  It was especially surprising as we top the tables for kids going to university and that “achieve great results in local schools”.

“So I’ve taken on a few of these young people, including some Ukrainian boys as work experience partners and hope they learn a skill and either get into full time education, work with me or set them up with their own local business.

“We are still in the early stages of this but now starting to bring schools and Monmouthshire council to the table to see if we can move this trial into an official scheme with an award.

“The kind people at Robert Price Builders Merchants have agreed to sponsor these young people with workwear and boots.  As they learn a new skill they will provide a new tool so eventually they get kitted up here too.

I wanted to try and create some real recognition for these kids and make them feel proud and achieving something after struggling so much not achieving in mainstream education.

So last Thursday, we met the manager Mark at Robert Price alongside Hannah who supports the Ukrainian families and Kara Lewis from Your Way Matters

Kara who does lots in the community supporting our ageing members with her organisation donated a gift card for the “digger of the month” award.

This was presented by Mark alongside some chocolate and a certificate to Oleg who doesn’t speak any English but smashed it this month 

Mark then went on to give all the lads their work boots as part of Robert Price Supporting our community and these young people 

Also thank you to all our customers for making all this possible and the lads for their hard work