A GROUP of Monmouthshire social care staff will embark on a major fundraising mission this weekend when they attempt the arduous Three Peaks Challenge - conquering the highest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales in 24 hours. 

The team, who are confident that they can climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in a day, are raising money to establish a much-needed enclosed garden for people with dementia in Chepstow’s Severn View Residential Home. Severn View is a home for older people and many live with dementia. When complete, the residential home’s garden will allow active involvement including gardening, enjoying wildlife, strolling the specially designed walkways or taking tea with friends and family. For people living with dementia, a garden helps them reconnect with the surrounding world.

Direct Care Services team manager Colin Richings is part of the team participating in the Three Peaks Challenge. He said: “We’re keen to establish a garden at Severn View because we recognise that being outdoors is central to well-being.

“Not only does it improve physical health, it reduces stress, improves sleep and gives people a sense of self and place.”

The group arranged a very successful fundraising evening at Llanishen Village Hall last weekend (Friday 17th June) featuring the Dr Rock disco and local band Prolapse, when over £1,400 was collected. 

One of the walkers, Julie Boothroyd helped to organise the event.  She said: “We all had a fabulous time and I’d like to thank everyone who played a part in such a successful venture.”

Anyone wishing to sponsor the team’s challenge should log onto crowdfunding.justgiving.com/SevernViewWithOutdoors/

The group also has a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/groups/1675071946092004/