Thousands of students across the country last Thursday found out their GCSE results and began thinking about the next steps in their education.
At Haberdashers Monmouth Schools, it was the last set of results before the two main schools merge and become one campus at the Glendower site.

Both schools can celebrate their outstanding final set of GCSE results with 54.9% of the results for the Girls’ School graded 9-7 (A*-A), with 47.2% of the boys’ entries achieving the same standard.
Monmouth Comprehensive students (MCS) achieved exceptional grades in GCSE and BTEC results last week. There was excellent performance across a wide range of subjects, significantly above national figures.

30% of students achieved 5 or more A*-A grades, with 13% of students achieving 10 or more A*-A grades, including 11 students who gained 13 A*-A grades. 30% of all grades awarded were A*-A, and 80% of results were at C grade or above.

Assistant Headteacher Mandy Davies at MCS said:“We are very proud of each and every one of our students, who have achieved superb results across a wide range of qualifications. Many of them are returning in September to join our fantastic Sixth Form, where I know they are looking forward to starting their A Level or BTEC courses with us. We also wish the students who are taking their next steps elsewhere the best of luck for the future.”
Mr Hutchison, Headteacher at MCS, lauded the hard work of students and staff. Mr Hutchison said:
“Our students have performed phenomenally well once again. Behind the excellent grades are individuals who have demonstrated a fantastic work ethic and redoubtable perseverance. Our magnificent staff have also been relentless in their endeavours to support all students in their studies. A particular thank you also to parents and carers, who have played a vital part in supporting and guiding students over the past years.”
At the Haberdashers, there was a significant number of individual success stories, with students gaining a full complement of 9 to 7 or A*-A grades. In the Girls’ School, Fay Russell, an academic scholar from Chepstow, achieved a staggering ten grade 9s and is hoping to study Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths in the Sixth Form, at A level.Claire Chen, Orla Edwards, Keilah Greaves, Constance Humphries, Martha Llewelyn, Esme McCrum, Dilys Murcott, Isla MacMaster and Zahara Solosy all achieved a full house of grades 9-7. In addition, Orla Edwards, from Monmouth, achieved a Distinction in BTEC Performing Arts for Dance.There was another clean sweep of grade 9s in the Boys’ School, with Kopano Matli, from Hereford, achieving nine top grades, as well as two A*s. Other students who achieved a full house of 9-7 grades (or A*-A) were William Beynon, Samuel Carver, Hugh Major, Alexander Simmons, Thomas Guerin, James Wardle, Theo Burt and Chun Ho Wong.Many of the students have successfully combined their studies with a broad timetable of extra-curricular commitments. While Claire Chen, Thomas Guerin and James Wardle are all music scholars, Dilys Murcott, a drama and academic scholar, has just come back from completing the Rotary Leadership Award trip. The school prides itself on ensuring that students can balance their academic work with a wide range of sporting and extra-curricular opportunities, so they can pursue their passions at the same time as focusing on their studies.Headmaster of Monmouth School for Boys, Mr Simon Dorman said: “I am delighted to see our hard-working Year 11 boys achieving the excellent grades that they deserve. These grades are the culmination of years of hard work by them and their teachers and are an excellent springboard into their A level courses in our fabulous new Sixth Form Centre, which opens its doors in September.”Acting Head of the Girls’ School, Mrs Rachel Rees added, “I am so proud of our girls who have worked incredibly hard to achieve success. It is particularly pleasing to see how well our sport and music students have done, demonstrating excellent time management in balancing co-curricular and academic. We look forward to welcoming them into the brand-new Sixth Form in September and hope that they will continue to engage with our four pillars of Sport, Performing Arts, Textile Design and Sustainability. A big thank you to our teaching staff for supporting the students through their GCSE studies.”